February 22

Pushing Outside Your Comfort Zone

A personal goal of mine for 2018 was to take more risks. I’ve always been a very shy & conservative person (as well as overly-anxious about everything), so I’ve always lived my life accordingly. I realized recently that I let fear of failing hold me back from doing something that would have been really cool – and that’s when I decided it was time for a change. Life is too short to sit back wondering “what if?”. It’s become my personal challenge to say “yes”to more things that scare me.

On a small scale, take something like this look. For the last year, I’ve admired girls’ styles who can pull off the edgy-chic look. I somehow convinced myself that I would never be one of them. That was, until these Marc Fisher boots arrived in the mail, and I decided there was no time like the present. Funny enough, pushing outside of my comfort zone made me feel more confident than ever before. Now, whenever I’m having an “off” day, I put on these tough boots, and I instantly feel like I can conquer the world.

On a more serious note, I’ve always had a crippling fear of heights. There have been so many activities and adventures I’ve sat home for simply because the thought of being high up made we weak at the knees. While in Blowing Rock this past weekend, we visited the actual landmark of Blowing Rock, where you’re able to climb out onto the edge of a cliff. Ryan told me to go out to snap a cool shot, and I immediately shut down and said “heck no!” out of fear. Remembering what I had promised myself earlier this year, I changed my mind after a few minutes, and started to make the climb.

The moment I sat with my feet dangling off the edge of this cliff had to be one of the most liberating moments in my life. I was so terrified and nauseous, but as I looked out, seeing the world right in front of me, the fear suddenly became all worth it. It was the most amazing feeling! I couldn’t believe I was going to let a little fear hold me back from experiencing the most breathtaking view.

Photos by Ryan Sides

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Storets Blouse | A New Day Chinos | Rebecca Minkoff Bag | Marc Fisher Boots

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