I was having lunch with a girlfriend the other day and realized it’s almost my one year mark in NYC. In one way, the last year went so fast. In another sense, I can’t believe how much has changed in the last year. I was looking back at this post I wrote just once month in — love the rose colored glasses I had. So much of what I said was true, and still is, but that doesn’t mean the city didn’t eat me up and spit me out for a good few weeks. There’s so much to say and thoughts are already flying at me, so I’m thinking I’ll just organize it like I did in that post…
Personal & Life
THEN: Where to even start! From the first day I arrived in NYC, I felt an unimaginable sense of calm. Amongst all the boxes and not being able to find a thing I needed, I had never felt so at peace. I sat, staring out my new bedroom window, taking in the moment, and remember feeling so overwhelmed with joy. I’ve had such a shift in mindset already being here. I talked a bit about it in my Currently post, but I feel like anything is possible. I’m no longer so worried about ‘just making it to New York’. I’m here. I’m ready to tackle what’s next.
NOW: This is still so true! Even on the busiest days, I still feel so calm and confident here. Our place really does feel like home and I find so much comfort in our little corner of the city. Making a place feel like home is so important here, but more on that later.
THEN: Apart from the change in my perspective, I’m also SO happy here. I can’t really say one thing I dislike. I do miss my family, and actively look forward to our calls, but I can say I’m 100% sure we made the right decision by giving this a try. It’s been everything I wanted and more. Lots of people have asked how Ryan is adjusting — and he feels the same! Moving here was just as much his dream as it was mine. He loves being able to walk out our front door and have a new adventure awaiting us every evening.
NOW: Still feel the same! I had a brief period where I questioned our move, and felt like I lost a bit of myself. I also felt like I gained a bit of myself that I didn’t know I had. Same goes for Ryan – and when that change happened, our marriage changed — but for the better. We’ve always been so steady, and NYC pushed our relationship in new ways. It ended up being a test of our love for each other, and I’m so happy we came out stronger on the other side. Ryan was able to finally explore his love of photography in ways he’d only ever dreamt of, and I’ve never seen him happier or more creatively fulfilled.
THEN: The weather has been manageable. Apparently I missed the bulk of the cold days, but the cold ones we’ve had haven’t been too bad. They require a thick coat and socks, and gloves, but nothing I can’t handle.
NOW: We’ve had a couple of weeks where it has been COLD. Like no sun, rain, and windy. Those weren’t that fun, but it’s not something that would ever keep me from moving here. I did get a really nice coat for Christmas, and it has been a GAME. CHANGER.
THEN: I LOVE walking. It feels so good to use my legs and to walk everywhere. I actually get excited when I have a meeting across the park – it’s one of my favorite walks!
NOW: Still love walking! Unless I’m in a different neighborhood alone after dark (don’t worry, mom, it’s not often), I don’t cab or Uber anywhere. I always discover something new when I walk, and the Subway is so convenient to pretty much everywhere. Putting on a podcast or some jazz and walking around the city has become a very welcomed form of therapy. I’ll often walk around with no destination in mind.
THEN: We’ve learned our neighborhood and found some favorite regular spots much quicker than expected. It’s funny how once you find something you like, you quickly go back to it over and over again. So far we love Oaxaca Taqueria for street tacos, La Vera for cheap Italian delivery, and H&H for my weekend bagels.
NOW: I’m thinking I need to make a running list/directory of my favorite places we’ve found in each neighborhood for when you all ask for recommendations! A few favorites off the top of my head — Buvette (French, such a cute vibe), Bar Pisellino (drinks/coffee), Mermaid Inn (seafood, happy hour), Tessa (go-to neighborhood date night spot), Rosemary’s (Italian), Momoya (sushi) and Cafe Cluny (French-American and just so charming). Stay tuned for a full guide!
THEN: NYC actually feels very safe Covid-wise. We are, of course, taking every precaution and not putting ourselves at unnecessary risk, but overall I feel safe here. Places are great about taking temps, enforcing masks, and limiting store capacity.
NOW: I would say NYC still feels very safe. We had a couple of months over winter that we personally chose to go back into lockdown-type behavior, but things seem to be turning around!
THEN: One of the biggest impacts the city has had on me is my desire to be social. I’m a complete Introvert – and have always been happy being that way. However, people in New York have been SO kind and welcoming, it’s been so easy to meet new people and always have something to go out and do. The majority of people here have been new to the city at some point, and know what it’s like to not know anyone, so they are amazing about introducing you to their own social circles. I joke that Ryan and I have traded places – I’m now the social butterfly while he stays home all day. I’m not sure if it’s the people, or the accessibility (aka I don’t have to drive anywhere), or just my NYC confidence kicking in, but being out and socializing has become the highlight of my days here. It’s almost impossible to get me to stay in!
NOW: To be transparent, the social scene here was difficult for me. I definitely went through a period shortly after we moved where I just wanted to keep to myself, and felt like I couldn’t find where I really fit in. It made me question a lot about whether or not we made the right decision, and forced me to grow a lot personally. I could write an entire post about challenges of adult friendships, but after a year here, I feel like I’ve almost got it down. It took me a while to find my people here – and if you’re somewhere you don’t know lots of people, just be patient! For a while, I just wanted to “fit-in,” but now I have found a close knit group of friends that feel like family. Friends that I can call anytime for anything; friends that are so incredibly supportive and uplifting. I’m so thankful every day for the new relationships I’ve built here!
THEN: So, let’s talk about that work/life balance thing. At home, I was ALL work ALL the time. Here, I’m finding it hard to actually stay in the office. There is always something that sounds more fun waiting just outside my doorstep. I allowed myself to take it easy my first month here, just so I could soak in all of the social opportunities. However, my “honeymoon” phase is over, and it’s time to buckle in and get back to the hustle. That said, I’m actually looking forward to it though – the city has me all kinds of inspired in new ways. I’ve chatted to a few friends about this – but feel professionally, I’m at a bit of a crossroads. With so much more life around me, I’ve noticed a shift in what I’m feeling compelled to share. I’ve also noticed spending a lot less time on my phone and on social media. I’m pretty sure that’s great for my mental health… not so much for my job. I’m currently working on finding a balance of what it is I really want to share and how I want to share it. I made a list of about ten things the other day that I can honestly say spark joy for myself and make me feel alive (all things I’ve heard feedback that you love seeing, too!). I decided at the end of the day, if what I share includes one of those joy-provoking things, then it is worthy of posting. It may look a little different from the curated lifestyle content you were used to seeing, so thank you to those of you who are along for the journey, and thank you for your patience while I figure it out!
NOW: Work has been amazing since moving here! I definitely in part moved to help my career, and that risk has paid off. There are so many new opportunities and much more exposure within my industry here. As far as settling into a routine — not sure I ever actually accomplished that! Everyday looks different and my motivation level is all over the place. I do find that being in the city with so much inspiration outside my door has pushed me creatively. I still get in ruts from time to time (I’m in one right now), but I find it easier to get out of that funk when I can go walk through a new neighborhood or a museum to refresh myself. It’s taken me a while to get into the groove this year work-wise, and to be honest, I’ve had a huge mental shift in how I want to operate my business. As I’ve grown, I’ve started to feel such a disconnect between the person I share online and the person I really am. I’ve always done what’s good for business, and kept more personal things to myself, but I’m feeling excited to share a bit more of me on my platforms, instead of such staged moments. ❤️
Our Home
THEN: Saving the most exciting for last! I LOVE our apartment. Like, LOVE. Usually when you move to NYC, you compromise location for space, space for amenities, amenities for charm, and so on. I honestly feel like we got it all, and feel SO lucky. I can’t believe our first NYC apartment is this nice. If you missed it, check out our empty apartment tour here. As far as updates go, we’ve done about half of what we have planned. We’ve begun painting our space in Swiss Coffee by Benjamin Moore, and that has warmed it up quite a lot. It definitely feels much more like us now! We are (of course) adding picture frame molding — I can’t live without it. We’re also planning to add a few more touches that will play off its existing pre-war character. Our kitchen will be the first room that will be complete – the peel and stick tile is just about done, new hardware is on, and the makeshift pantry is up! I’m just waiting on the barstool and runner for the area. A full tour will be coming soon, as well as highly-requested organizational posts.
NOW: I will say, I LOVE our apartment. We renewed for a second year here. If it were bigger, I don’t know if we’d ever move out! It’s honestly been such a dream to make this space my own. The bones of the apartment were already amazing, but I’ve had so much fun exploring new realms of my creativity when it comes to interiors and trying new things. Our kitchen has had about four makeovers since moving, and it’s about to have a fifth! I plan on continuing to change our place until we move out. It doesn’t mean I didn’t love how it was, but I love to keep pushing myself and finding new ways to style our place. Plans for this year include a slight kitchen change, and updating our “office” area. I’m waiting to find the perfect vintage desk to inspire the space. I’ve also been working on swapping out our more common place items for vintage or sentimental ones. Oh! and — I’ve decided to take reupholstering a couple of items in our home into my own hands. I got a sewing machine for Christmas and dusting off my sewing skills has become a new passion project. Hoping to create some custom pillows, curtains, and more for our home this next year! Here are some home vibes currently inspiring me…

And that’s about it – I can’t wait to see what NYC has in store for me this next year! x