Gyms and group fitness classes may be closed right now, but your activity level doesn’t have to suffer.
In fact, I’ve found myself working out more since quarantine started. I’ve noticed the drastic impact adding a little sweat into my routine has on my overall mental health and well-being. Most days I aim to do at least twenty minutes of activity, and I always try to keep it interesting. It’s the perfect time to try a new class! Lots of online fitness instructors are offering free Instagram live classes every day – so try a few out, and see what works for you.
After trying out several, I have a few favorites that I see the best mental and physical results from. I’ll walk you through each below and explain why I love them!

Melissa Wood Health
I do Melissa Wood Health workouts about 90% of the time. I can’t say enough good things! I actually just got off of doing one on Instagram live by her and feel AMAZING. I’ve been doing the workouts through her app since last year, and I’m hooked. If you like a mix of yoga and pilates, you should give it a try. I love how she always mixes in mindfulness throughout the practice, and really emphasizes the mental effects of working out. It’s an overall wellness experience and I always feel so uplifted afterwards. Not to mention, I’ve seen wild results in definition since consistently doing her workouts! I aim to get in a 20 minute session six days a week. All you need to complete most of the workouts is a yoga mat, and light weights (completely optional).

On the day I take off from a MWH workout, I like to either get in a long walk or go for a run. There’s nothing quite like the rush of endorphins! Admittedly, I’m not a great runner, but I do what I can. I make deals with myself that I run all the downhill and flat areas/and walk the uphills, haha! If you aren’t an avid runner like me, but still want to get in a little cardio, I like limiting it to just one or two days a week. That ways it’s not too strenuous on my body, but I’m still able to have a more intense day of cardio.
Sweat with Kayla
While I’m not currently doing this workout, more commonly known as “BBG“, it had to go into this post because it is amazing! Seriously, it will get both your mind and your butt into shape. It’s a 12-week circuit program that I did leading up to my wedding and saw great results. If you’re looking for something to do at home that’s more high energy and will literally leave you dripping in sweat, I highly suggest this. It is a challenge, but it feels so good once you’ve made it through that 28 minutes.