May 15

Finding Joy 5.15.20

Happy Friday! It seems like I’m putting out Finding Joy posts on Fridays and I’m loving the cheerful mindset it puts me in for the weekend! It’s great to go into the next couple of days remembering to embrace even the smallest of moments, because that is often times where we find the most joy. I hope you all have had a wonderful week, and enjoy this edition of Finding Joy.


I noticed lately that I’ve been loving any meal we try that has a Mediterranean or citrus taste, so I decided to purchase this Greek Vegetarian Cookbook to learn some new recipes with those types of flavors! There are such great, easy, healthy meals in here – we’re trying a chickpea and spinach recipe with dill this weekend from it. I’ll share it over on stories if it’s good!


My mom is a huge quote person (she sends them to me all the time!), and lately I’m been finding some of my own inspiring words I love over on Pinterest. I guess you could say she’s rubbing off on me a little! I’ve started a new board called “Mantra” where I’m saving inspiring quotes to reference back to whenever I’m having an off day. Sometimes hearing the simplest words can change your mindset and give you a fresh perspective. Sharing a few of my favorites below!


As I shared in my Kitchen Organization post, I’m slowly starting to work on getting our pantry more organized. I’m loving how in our drawers and cabinets everything has a home, and I want our pantry to feel the same way. It makes keeping our kitchen clean so much easier. We’re also food shopping in bulk and meal prepping more now, so optimizing pantry storage is key. I’m linking to a few of the things I’ve ordered from Amazon already below, and a couple of other favorite finds! I’m also ordering these baskets from Ikea today for additional food storage.


I really enjoyed reading this article on Porter about a handful of successful women’s morning habits. I posted my own morning wellness routine recently, and it was nice to see a lot of similarities! Most incorporate some type of meditation or movement, as well as their lemon water/tea/matcha of choice. If you’re struggling to get up and go in the morning, check out this post and see if any of these tips work for you!


As I write this, I’m currently sitting on my bed and watching out the window waiting on our mail woman to deliver me a very exciting order from Rivet Collective. Rivet is an online boutique I shared back around the holidays owned by an old friend of mine. I love their stance on supporting women and the values the company stands for. I’m currently obsessed with their new Amalfi Coast Collection – it helps make up for the trips I’m not taking this summer! I’m going to be slipping into this breezy dress the second it gets delivered to my doorstep – I can’t wait! I highly recommend checking out Rivet if you’re looking for some high quality and beautiful classics to add to your wardrobe.


Lastly for this week, I’ve been finding so much joy in simple moments that Ryan and I have been spending outside. Last night, we took our dinner and drinks out to our front lawn and set up a picnic. We threw the ball with Hunter, and watched the sunset. It was nice to “get out of the house” for a date and have a change of scenery. We’re picking up things tomorrow to create a cheeseboard so we can do it again this weekend!

That’s it for this week – I hope you enjoyed and feel encouraged to find your own little bits of joy! x

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