November 7

Weekly happenings vol. 17

photo 2-39

(Gone Girl + latte + chocolate croissant)

This week felt incredibly so incredibly long and tedious that all of the days started to blur together. Whenever I work straight through a weekend, I always feel so much less accomplished and relaxed. To combat feeling like time was moving backwards, I turned to what I know best: celebrating the season with quiet moments spent alone. Sometimes all I need is a simple morning spent reading, an afternoon catching up on some missed episodes, or soaking up the last bit of autumn scenery to make me feel recharged and ready to embrace the last few weeks of fall before holiday season hits full swing. Here’s a few things that kept me happy this past week.

photo 1-37

(A soul-warming bowl of homemade chili)

photo 3-34

(A perfectly colored and breathtaking fall skyline)

photo 4-23

(An guilt free afternoon spent with my favorite snacks and five hours of my favorite shows)

photo 5-12

(A cat-nap at its very finest)

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