Currently: April 2020

Wearing: Sézane Dress

April 2020… here we are. I don’t think it looks quite like any of us would have expected. While I’m enjoying diving deeper into making this site more of an evergreen reference page, I felt like I wanted to hit pause really quick and just take a moment to address the elephant in the room and talk feelings.

I’ve been doing lots to clean out the back end of my site while things are slower, and I stumbled upon the nearly 100 “Currently” posts I wrote back in the day. I used to write them weekly, just as a touch base with my readers, sharing little things that were bringing me joy. This was my first one back in 2013- LOL. Anyways, I’ve brought the series back here and there over the years, but it felt like a good time to give it a refresh as a monthly check in and a way to openly chat.

So, let’s chat. How is everyone feeling/doing? To be completely transparent, I’ve been on a rollercoaster of emotions. In some moments, life feels normal. Ryan and I are both lucky enough to have our jobs, and working from home is nothing new for me. The next moment, I’m either terrified of what our future holds, or in tears for those who are struggling. Then, I’ll feel an overwhelming sense of guilt for not being able to do more for those risking their lives on the front lines to help us battle this. It’s a whole mix. Everyday has been different, so I’m just allowing myself to feel through the process and take every day as it comes. Just a reminder, you are allowed to feel exactly as you do. This is undoubtably a scary and stressful time for everyone, and there’s nothing wrong with feeling that way.

We’ve been incorporating routines into our new “normal” days to help give them some structure, and I’ve noticed it helping to decrease my stress. I’ve been waking up an hour and a half earlier before work to get in a workout every morning, make a cup of tea, and pull myself together. I’ll usually meditate too if I have time. I start each day centered and with a clear head before even thinking about reading the news. We’ve also been donating where we can, which helps alleviate at least a very little bit of that desire to be out there helping to do more. I rounded up a list of ways to help here if you are interested! I won’t sit here and harp on about trying to find the positive about the situation, because to be frank, it’s scary. So just feel joy when you can, and if you’re sad, that’s fine too.

I know that’s all really heavy, but it didn’t feel right to carry on with fresh content this month without spilling my guts on how I’m feeling. Over the last 7 years, so much has changed, but this space on the internet has been a constant for me. It’s a comfort to come back to, and for that reason, I have so much I’m excited to share. As I mentioned here, I’m getting back to sharing what I love, even if I haven’t “gotten so many DM’s asking” about it. 🙂 Stay tuned!

I hope you all are well – sound off in the comments on how you are feeling! Chatting with you is the BEST part of my job.
