February 28

Weekly happenings vol. 28

photo 4-76

(Colorful lizards that have me craving warm weather)

After a rather stress-filled last couple of weeks, I’m planning this weekend on re-prioritizing and re-focusing on myself. I’m taking the weekend to re-watch favorite t.v. episodes, bake cookies, take bubble baths, and (finally) finish the book I’m reading, before I start my self-training for running a 10K on Monday. This weekend is the first of March – which means we are just a couple weeks away from the beginning of spring. With my one of my favorite times of year just around the corner, I’m ready to get re-energized and enjoy the things I like.

photo 1-112

(Much needed comfort food with my mom)

photo 1-113

(Bright patterns + pearls)IMG_6580

(This print now living above my kitchen sink)


(Cookies from my favorite NY bakery hand-delivered with love)

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[…] less appealing than I was hoping. Though I’ve barely hung anything in my house (except for this and this), the little wall behind my desk suddenly took priority. It was a small space that needed […]

Cute picture by sink. May I have the mushroom one for the cabin?