It’s hard to believe that it’s been almost a year since I transitioned The M.A. Times into strictly a fashion blog. I had been feeling it heading that way for a while, and was certain that was the aspect of the blog I was enjoying the most. During a trip to California I took last spring, Ryan and I shot looks on the cliffs of Big Sur, in the valleys of Yosemite, and on the hills of San Francisco. After curating looks specifically for each location and shooting editorial feeling stories during that week, I had never felt more passionate about pursuing something.
One of my favorite parts about this last year has been the ability to connect with so many of you. Whether its because you find something inspiring in my posts, or because you share my interests/obsession with fashion, it’s been such a pleasure getting to know as many of you as possible. Which got me thinking – I’d love to connect with all of you on an even deeper level!
Did you know The M.A. Times is present on lots of other social media platforms? You may already follow along on Instagram (@maverrilli), but I’ve also been posting unique content related to my favorite trends and shoppable items to my Twitter (@matimesblog), and fun behind the scenes content on Snapchat (@maverrilli). If you’re a Pinterest addict like me – come follow along on there! I’m constantly pinning photos of flowers, Paris, and all things lovely. Last but not least, The M.A. Times now has a Facebook page! You can check it out here and click “Like” to stay up to date on all of the latest blog posts!
If you follow on any of the other platforms, leave me a message and let me know! It’s always so wonderful to make a personal connection with each of you. Thank you all so much for reading and following along, and stay tuned for more exciting additions to The M.A. Times in the coming months as I continue expanding the ways to make it possible to connect with all of you even more!
Photos by Ryan Sides