September 29

Apple Adventures


This past weekend, Ryan and I took a trip out to a small country town just a couple hours away to check the first thing off of my fall to-do list: go apple picking. It’s the second year it has been on our list, and after failing to find a place last year to pick apples, we were determined to actually accomplish it this year. It was a fairly significant drive that led us out to the middle of country town, U.S.A, but it was one of the most fun Sundays I’ve had in a while.

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We spent hours wandering up and down the rows of apples, treasure hunting for just the most perfectly ripe picks. I swore I could have gotten lost in the trees (Ryan of course swears he couldn’t), but it was so relaxing and magical to escape from reality and spend some time in the countryside. I’ve always grown up appreciating the small things, and this qualifies as something that I’ll enjoy doing year to year.

I’ll admit, we were probably a bit ambitious with the amount of apples we picked (a half bushel as the farmers call it), but at least now we have apples to last us, some friends, and some family a couple of weeks. I’m looking forward to baking them into an apple cobbler, apple pie, and cooking them down into sweet baked apples to have with dinner. Stay tuned for an overload of apple recipes to come (apologies in advance).

Photos by Ryan Sides


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[…] definitely tasted better (which may be partly due to the fresh, hand-picked apples from our trip here), but also because I’ve come a long way as a baker in the last year. I’m excited to […]