I want to start this off by saying I feel so lucky to have my dream job. I get to be creative 24/7 and do what I love with the person I love. There aren’t a lot of people who can say that, so I consider myself to in a much better situation than lots of others out there. However, working in a creative job, or just a demanding job in general, can take its toll on you. I’m sure we’ve all felt it at some point – those days where you sit and stare at your computer or your pen sitting on that empty page… and your mind feels blank. You’re uninspired, unimpressed, and just generally feeling like you’re underachieving.
Earlier this year, as I touched on in this personal post, I went through a period of extreme burnout. To say I thought my time as a blogger had almost ended wouldn’t be that big of an exaggeration. I began exploring other avenues of work, and was ready to throw in the towel. However, once I started perusing other passions, my creativity and excitement for making beautiful and engaging content was suddenly reignited. Since then, I’ve been putting up more blog posts than I had in the last year, and genuinely looking forward to creating content and receiving opportunities to be creative.
This isn’t to say I haven’t experienced any type of burnout since then, because trust me, it still happens. The difference is, I’m now learning the best ways to cope. The answer isn’t always to work yourself into the ground until you figure something out. Here are a few things that have worked for me when I feel like I’ve hit a wall and don’t know what to do.
Step Away
If you’re overwhelmed, it may seem counterproductive to take some time off, but nine times out of ten, I’ve found that to be the best solution. I was having what I’ll call an “off” day yesterday, and so I decided to take the day off of work. I put down my phone, and went downstairs and restyled our kitchen shelves. Distracting your mind with other things that excite you will almost always calm you and help bring a fresh perspective to your work.
Take a Deeper Look
Burnout usually comes as a repercussion of a certain way you are feeling. Maybe you’ve taken on too much, or are just feeling a little lost. For me, I usually feel burnt out when I start questioning my creativity. Am I doing the right thing… or is it enough? In creative industries it’s so easy to play the comparison game. I’ve fallen into that trap in the past, and it never helps. That’s why the cure for me is to step away, let go of any insecurities I’m having, and come back confident in my work. So, take a deeper look at why you’re feeling burnt out, and find a way to overcome that. If you’re overwhelmed, ask for help or make a list. If you feel lost, hop on Pinterest, read your favorite magazine, or go for a walk.
Talk It Out
I’m lucky that my husband works in the creative world with me, but even if your friends, family, or significant other doesn’t, find one that is willing to lend an ear. Sometimes just getting your frustrations off of your chest will make it so much easier to think clearly. Some of the best ideas can also come from an outside perspective. They might help you see something you have been missing, and can spark a whole new level of creativity!
If you’ve struggled with burnout recently I hope these few simple tips will help to re-inspire you!
x Marianne