August 18

Weekly happenings vol. 8


(Hydrangeas + Ranunculus – a combination worth drooling over)

This weekend was my first off work since my move, and my first without any plans in a while. We took a road trip one day to visit Ry’s grandparents and family, and I spent the next surrounded by and relaxing with mine. It was nice to not have any plans set in stone, and allow the weekend to take us where it may. I am so thankful for my family and my amazing support system. Although it seems everyone is consumed with major life stresses this week, we made time for each other and found joy in the little things to bring us some temporary relief. Here are few of the small things from this week that reminded me to smile.

photo 2-13

(Game night with Ry – and a major ego blow for myself)

photo 1-11

(Freshly picked figs from my parent’s backyard)

photo 4-9

(A reminder of being five, carefree, and dancing in my socks at my parent’s house)

 photo 3-14

(Mouth-watering chocolate/marshmallow/peanut butter cake at Weathervane)

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And exactly when were you playing Dad’s old stereo….when dusting??