August 15

Weekly happenings vol. 51

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(Mid-morning coffee and weekly planning at my favorite bakery)

It’s going to be a jam packed weekend between working and other events, but I’m looking forward to being out of my house more than in, and catching up with friends and family that it has been far too long since I saw. I won’t have any free time until mid-next week (which I’m very much looking forward to filling with long days of doing nothing), but until then, I’m embracing the busy days ahead, and making sure I make the most out of them. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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(A fog covered road in  Blowing Rock that looks just like a scene from The Woman In Black)


(Luna caught mid-meow – it almost looks like a baby roar)

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(The best mail day: a much needed delivery from Catbird NYC)

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(A lovely evening outside catching up with friends)

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