February 27


A friend of mine shared this new to me word the other day and it’s been swirling in my mind ever since…



(n.) the warmth of the sun in winter

As we enter the last couple weeks of winter, this word keeps popping into my head. We all know the winter days it makes us think of—the ones where it’s been raining for days on end, and suddenly, the sun appears. We’re all in a better mood and practically run to spend the day soaking up some Vitamin D, even if it’s only 40 degrees.

However, I love the promise that this word seems to hold. It not only sounds beautiful, but also feels like it holds hope of what is coming. The warmth of the sun in winter is a preview to what’s to come. Much like sometimes when we feel like we’re at our lowest, and we get a glimmer of hope that things are going to turn around. It’s that little spark of joy we hold onto and go back to whenever we are having a tough day. 

I decided to make myself a little list of all the things that are my “real life apricity” — things that lift me up whenever I’m feeling down. That way, on tough days, I can do one of the things on my list to feel hopeful about tomorrow.

Seeking Apricity–my list

Put on some quiet music and journal for at least fifteen minutes

Scroll Pinterest and put together a mood board for the season

Schedule a get-together with a girlfriend

Listen to my favorites from Taylor Swift while walking along the river

Actually read my design magazines while doing a face mask or taking a bath

Meal plan—find new recipes to try out and look forward to eating at home!

Do something nice for someone else—friend or stranger

Take myself down to Soho and window shop at my favorite stores

Call my mom or a friend who uplifts me

Get on my yoga mat for a quick Melissa Wood Health workout (sideline ones are my fave)

Visit the flower shop and treat myself to my favorite flowers

Read a chapter from The Creative Act by Rick Rubin

Discover a new store/designer/retailer that excites me

Style a new vignette in my home or rearrange my coffee table set up

Fluff all the pillows & spray a linen/room spray

Put on an outfit I’ve been looking forward to wearing



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