This is the first New Year’s in a while that truly feels like a fresh start. After a challenging couple of years, it feels like everyone is ready to collectively make 2023 the best year ever. Everyone’s positive energy put me in the great mindset leading into the new year and I feel so energized and excited kicking off 2023.
I haven’t traditionally been one for cliché resolutions, but I did take time to really map out my goals for this year. I’ve found that if I put it in writing, it sticks with me and I’m more likely to actually work towards accomplishing my goal. I both wrote out and made a vision board for all of the things I want to make happen for myself this year.
There’s a trend going around right now about “lucky girl syndrome.” While it’s entertaining (and it certainly never hurts to throw the “everything works out for me” affirmation into my morning routine), I also learned over the last year that you can make your own luck. Becoming the person you want to be is really just changing the small habits you do everyday. I want to be more clean and organized — that starts with doing the dishes immediately and putting things away instead of down. I want to be healthier and stronger — that comes with discipline to get out of bed in the morning and onto my yoga mat. It’s all about consistency within our small routines that ultimately lead to us becoming the person on our vision boards.
Goals/visions for this year
My goals for this year were broken up into four areas: career, well-being, life and home. I made 5-6 goals for each category… realistic ones, but also ones that challenged me and pushed me outside my comfort zone. For my career, I set dream brands I’d like to partner with, net income goals, and new areas of business to expand into. For well-being, I set workout routines I’d like to maintain, established a morning routine that includes mediation and journaling and am holding myself accountable this year to my self-care (regular skincare & facials, routine doctors appointments, etc). For my ‘life’ goals – I’d love to travel to Europe this year, learn a new skill or two and continue to develop and nurture my close friendships.
My final category, home, is where I listed and vision boarded changes I’d like to make the the apartment this year. We just resigned our lease for one more year and the ideas have already started swirling. I’ve been finding myself gravitating towards a slightly different design style lately, so I’m excited to freshen things up in our space and make my space feel more similar to what I’m drawn to.
If you haven’t taken some time to at least list out some goals – large or small – that you’d like to see happen for yourself this year, I highly recommend it! It helps remind me when days start feeleing monotonous that I’m actually working towards something bigger.
Looking forward to this month —
We don’t actually have much on the calendar this month, and I’m excited for it! January is always my season of hibernation to refocus. My main goal is to place my attention on self-care and getting settled into my new routines. I’m also going to bring back doing my weekly “artist dates” from The Artist’s Way.. this was life-changing when I started it last January and I really fell off both the dates and my morning pages the last few months.. but I’m turning that around!
Wishing you all a beautiful month and year ahead! x