Currently: May 2020

Wearing: H&M Sweater

H&M Pants

Zara Tank Bodysuit

Hello May! Did April feel like the longest month ever to anyone else? May is usually a month of celebrations in my family – it is Mother’s Day, my mom’s birthday, and usually one of our first trips to the beach or to Charleston for the year. Needless to say, not being able to be with family and celebrate those events this month has put a little bit of a raincloud on one of my favorite months of the year. Regardless, I’m doing my best to stay positive and make the most out of my nesting time.

I’m basically throwing myself into anything homey – from making candles and cooking to growing my own little garden, I have my hands full. We even have a nest of baby birds that I’m so excited to see hatch… just one of the few things I would have missed if I was still moving at a hundred miles an hour. Ryan is already referring to the baby birds as our children, and is insistent upon setting up a bird bath for them. 😂

This month we’re also (fingers crossed) going to get our deck refinished and furnished so that we can start enjoying more meals outside! I’m so looking forward to that. First up is painting, then building another table for out there, and hanging some string lights. It should feel like a little romantic getaway by the time we are done!

Tonight is pizza night, and I am SO ready for it! It has basically been the highlight of my week. We’ve tried making homemade pizza twice so far and are slowly getting the hang of it. Definitely need more work on our dough skills though. Speaking of which – earlier this month I asked what everyone wanted to see more of, and I got some requests to share more of the recipes we are making over on stories. Expect some of those to be making an appearance here this month.

That about sums up things that are going on this way. I hope you all are staying safe and well. I’ve received so many kind messages over the last month about how you are finding this space inspiring – it makes me so happy to hear! I feel thankful every time someone reaches out and lets me know that they still in fact enjoy blogs. Sending you all lots of love – here’s to another month of making the most of our current situation!
