Truthfully, this post was originally going to be a recap on our first year of marriage.. which as you can see, I’m nearly six months overdue on. I put off writing it, for the most part, because I never wanted to sound showy. Every relationship is different, and everyone’s circumstances are different. There are situations and hardships that are unavoidable, and I never wanted to write about our first year of marriage and have someone compare their own. Ryan and I have had our fair share of unforeseen hurdles, but luckily we’ve come out stronger and more in love than ever.
Before getting married, we kept hearing, “Oh, just wait til you get married. Things get tough,” or, “Marriage is difficult and you have to work at it.” But to be honest, we never found that to be the case. Life feels just as it did before, but even better. Over the last two months, we’ve literally been joined at the hip during self-isolation, and it reminded me of something I said in our vows..
“Every day with you has been an adventure of it’s own, and a lifetime of those adventures doesn’t seem like nearly long enough.”
And that’s 1000% perfect how I feel, and what I think is one of the main reasons our marriage and relationship has stayed so special and easy. We don’t take time together for granted, and we aim to make the most out of every single day we have. We still get dressed up for each other before we have dinner. We light all the candles and dance in the kitchen to records. We say thank you for the little things and support each other always. We don’t waste time arguing over little things, or get annoyed at each other over small habits. Every single day, every single moment, is so precious to us and we have spent our entire relationship filling it with as many memories as possible.
Which brings me to what I really want this post to be about.. making the most of this time. It’s such an unusual circumstance we’ve found ourselves in. If you are living with a significant other, a friend, or family, make the most of this time! Instead of feeling trapped, I’m feeling so incredibly thankful that I have so many more hours to make memories with Ryan. Could I let his endless whistling ALL. DAY. LONG get on my nerves? Sure. But instead I let it make me smile and I just shake my head at him and treasure these moments we have together.
We were outside filling our bird feeders last night – I was already dressed up for dinner. A couple walked by and saw me dressed up, and asked if I was taking senior pictures (which, first of all, lol), and I responded, “No, I’m just dressed for dinner.” It made me realize that we should all embrace small moments in life as if they are a special occasion. Wear your fancy jewelry or your favorite perfume! I challenge you this week to elevate your simple moments. After all, that’s what The M.A. Times’ entire ethos is about – finding joy and elevating everyday details.
None of this is to say life should be perfect all of the time. But, if you can, take hold of these precious moments and see just how much you can make out of them.