March 2

What’s in a Name? Here’s Why I Changed Mine

Some of you might have noticed, and others of you might be going, “Wait, what? You changed your name?” It’s nothing major, but if you did happen to notice I’m no longer @thematimes, I wanted to take a moment to explain why. It’s been my name for YEARS, and even my own mother asked my why on earth I would change. So, let’s rewind.

I started The M.A. Times back in 2013 before “Influencer” was even a word. I simply had a webpage to share my life, style, and recipes. It truly was a hobby for YEARS. I would have laughed at if you if you told me it would some day be enough to pay my bills. I started this page as a creative outlet and it became something my husband and I loved to do together.

This industry has changed and grown massively since 2013. Blogs and social media are no longer a place to spontaneously share your real life (though Instagram likes to claim it is) – it’s a well oiled machine and a way for lots of people to create a livelihood. It’s amazing what it has become.. and no complaints here! I love my job and am SO fortunate that the industry has evolved the way it has. However…

I turned thirty last year, and when I did, something magical happened. I started to feel more and more sure of who I am and what my interests are. I became less interested in what the general crowd was doing, and started honing in more on what love. My desire to shop til I drop to keep up with this industry dwindled, and I realized how much I valued quality over quantity in everything in my life.

The last couple of months during my “downtime” (thanks, flood), I’ve done a TON of reflection. I’ve been decluttering my life – and I don’t just mean my closet. Marie Kondo was right – if something doesn’t bring you joy, thank it, and let it go. I’ve been slowly downsizing to just those things in my life that truly make me thankful and happy every time I notice them.

Something else that happened recently: Ryan sent me an account one day of someone whose home resembled ours. I am ALL for inspiring people – it’s so flattering to me to see others getting inspired by my home. So at first, I was like, “wow, that’s cool.” But then I realized… I didn’t think that was the case. Most of the similarities were purchases I had made from places like Target or Ikea – things that every “blogger” and their mother seemed to have at this point. This really made me stop and think. Did I buy new things from Target every season because these things really brought me joy, or because I could link to them to be shopped?

All of that said – it made me stop and reflect. Personal growth aside, I’m still the same person I was back in 2013. I never intended for my individuality to become so blended with being “a brand.” As a thirty year old in a world where there are so many more important issues than the weekend sales, I want this to be a space where I feel free to talk about those.

Changing my name to @mariannesides is my way of breaking free of the “influencer” expectations. I don’t think I’m more special than anyone else – but I’m so grateful to those of you who find inspiration from me and love to follow along. Seriously – you are the best. I feel inspired to get back to creating a space that is free from the rules of what I “should” be sharing, and just share what I love – even if I can’t link it on There are lots of influencers out there who EXCEL at sharing sales and Amazon finds.. that’s their thing and I’m in full support of people finding what works for them. This is what works for me, so I’m going with it.

So, long story short, welcome to Marianne Sides. Where I’ll just be being me, sharing what I love and hope you love it too!

x Marianne

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