January 29

My Wellness-Focused Morning Routine

To say that 2019 left my world feeling turned upside down and chaotic would be an understatement. It was a good day if I could find both my keys and my wallet in time to run out the door. While my constant feeling of chaos stemmed from our home flood, it became clear to me that I needed to make a few changes to my daily routine for my own mental sanity.

I had a constant feeling of being scatter-brained and unproductive, yet so wildly busy at the same time. My physical and mental health were both suffering, and I wasn’t taking time for things like self-care and planning that usually take the back seat when life gets hectic. I began listening to this book, and quickly realized that I would greatly benefit from implementing a few basic routines and healthy habits into my daily life.

Below are seven small butĀ very significant changes I’ve made to my morning to create a routine that leaves me feeling focused, energized, and happy.

1 / Phone-Free Wake Up (7am)

Raise your hand if the first thing you do when you open your eyes is reach for your phone. GUILTY. For me, I checked texts, emails, and Instagram – in that order. There were days I would lay in bed for an extra thirty minutes getting lost catching up on Instagram stories (boy, is that embarrassing to say out loud). It was both such a misuse of time, and also not a great way to set my tone for the day. Getting lost in other people’s lives didn’t allow me to set my own intentions and focus for the day.

Now, instead of reaching for my phone, I set my alarm on my Echo Show, and turn on “do not disturb” mode from 9pm the night before until 8am the next day. I’ve told myself I won’t even look at my phone until I’m up and awake for the day – it’s made such a big difference in my positivity level and how I use the quiet hours of the morning.

2 / Morning Gratitude Reflection

The very first thing I do prior to opening my eyes when I first wake up, is lay quietly and think in my head of three things I’m grateful for. They are usually small, but listing them off first thing always puts a smirk to my face – and there’s nothing better than waking up smiling. After thinking of my three, I take about ten deep breaths – inhaling those things that fill me with gratitude, and exhaling anything else.

3 / Hydration

Most days, the only thing I would drink until about 2pm would be coffee. Three, sometimes four cups. It would feel SO lethargic by mid-afternoon. I recently ordered this water bottle and it’s helped me keep better track of my water intake. I now try to get in a full liter of water before even starting my day. From the minute I wake up until I get in my office, I keep it by my side. I will then have one more bottle before noon, and another between lunch and 6pm. It’s a small change, but I can tell it has made a huge difference in my energy levels. I’ll treat myself to my morning cup of coffee only after my first liter is done.

4 / Workout or Walk (7:30-8am)

This is one I’m still trying to get into the habit of, so I’ve goaled myself to do it at least 2-3x per week for now. Ryan and I love to take our dog for a quick walk around the block in the morning – just to chat and get our blood flowing. If he doesn’t have time, I’ll do a quick (usually 20-30 minute) workout on my own. As I learned in this book, doing a moderate amount of exercise daily is better than setting larger goals (say, an hour long workout) because they feel more attainable, and therefore, you’ll be more likely do complete them.

On days I want to workout, I complete one of Melissa Wood Health’s workout routines. I love them because they are super effective, yet don’t require high energy (aka there aren’t any burpees!). I find it relaxing to roll out my yoga mat, and listen to her soothing voice in the morning. She is all about gratitude and being proud of yourself for making time to workout. I love starting my day with her positive spirit, and getting my body moving.

5 / Meditation

Once Ryan has left for work and the house is quiet, I’ll light my candle, and settle onto my yoga mat for a morning mediation. I’ll either do one on my Melissa Wood Health app, or I’ll use Calm. I’ve used Calm for years, and can’t recommend it enough. Even if you think meditation feels silly, having a few minutes of silence to collect and calm yourself can makeĀ such a huge impact on your overall attitude and day. Unless I’m feeling stressed about something in particular, I’ll usually do the Daily Calm on the app. I love the little lessons and quotes discussed at the end of each mediation.

6 / Changing the Tone

During the time spent making my coffee and getting ready for the day, I’ve started influencing my day by changing up what I listen to. Instead of listening to the news, tv, or my “pop” music, I’ll put on something that matches my tone and intentions for the day – which is usually to remain calm and be productive. If I’m feeling like I want music, I like listening to classical songs or a station called “Spa” on Amazon music. Both keep me feeling calm and positive. If I want a little more interaction and pep, I like listening to a motivational audio book on Audible. I’ve been listening to The Sweet Spot daily – even re-listening to some of my favorite chapters. It really helps me set my mindset for the day.

7 / Day Planning (8:15am)

My last step in my morning routine is to plan out my day. I’ll usually write out a to-do list the night before, but I actually like to write out my daily schedule in the morning. I’ll grab my coffee, listen to my music, and map out pretty much every hour of the day. I love using a notepad like this to see my to-do’s next to my calendar – it makes it easy to plan out my day. I find it so satisfying to be able to check off my list throughout the day and track what I’ve accomplished.

After this, I’ll finally take a look at missed notifications on my phone. This routine usually leaves me showered and ready to be in the office by 9am. While I used to be groggy and dread the to-do’s of the day ahead, I now get into the office excited to take on emails and work.

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